mindless self indulgence is coming to spokane may 31st.
if i go, it will be my 3rd time seeing them.
every time i have seen them, it's been awesome.
how can i pass up another time???
it's only 20 bucks...
which would be the most i have ever paid to see them...
but still... only 20.
i have been a craigslist fiend.
i got the tv on monday.
i got a microwave on tuesday.
and a tv stand delivered to me today.
all i need now is a new apartment!
...and when that happens, i'll be having a brown leather sofa delivered to me from someone of craigslist.
no, not the orange vinyl one.
i changed my mind on that.
it cost too much and orange might be too bright.
i also got a couple mixing bowls and a coffee maker today at a thrift store.
now i can drink coffee and tea at home!!!!!
well, i used the last of the money on my fuel card.
i had gotten 2 fuel cards for gas to make it up here with...
and i just used the last of it.
now, i am subjected to actually pay these kinds of prices:
it's official.
my air mattress is a piece of shit.
there is a hole in it somewhere.
i could probably lay on it for an hour??? before it goes flat now.
i feel very achy.
i don't want to get a real bed until i move into the new apartment.
plus, i don't think a "real" bed would even fit into this studio.
i went by the community college yesterday because i figured they had the forms i needed, instead of printing them out myself.
...but they didn't.
i got the financial aid data packet they need me to fill out...
but they had no compass testing study guides.
i would have thought they would have some sort of help.
but the lady told me what websites to go to.
i also went to the museum in my neighborhood (northwest museum of arts & culture).
there was not much at all to look at.
the buildings make you think there is a bunch to see... but not so much.
luckily i got the lady to give me the student price.
i wish i didn't live so close to downtown...
i thought it would be a good thing...
but the closest banks, post offices and libraries are downtown.
downtown requires paid parking.
i don't fucking carry spare change!
so i drive out of my way to get to essential places.
i went to april's partylite get together last night.
it was actually one of those get togethers to promote a side business project.
has anyone head of partylites?
she wants me to join her team...
but i don't see how i could do that right now because i don't really know ANYONE.
you have to host these little "parties" to sell candles.
how on earth am i supposed to have one of these said parties in a 150 sq ft studio apartment not knowing anyone?
i see it being a more likely thing once i get my bigger apartment and then i could ask some of my neighbors to attend.
one of the points of hosting the parties is to meet new people...
so i really like the concept and you don't have to pay for anything.
and all of your party food/decorations can be written off.
i dunno... i will have to talk to april more about it later.
it was fun meeting a few new people though.
and i got free dinner and drinks and a little party gift.
i just don't want to go back to working full time. :(
the new macbook hard drive came in the mail yesterday.
hopefully i will get time to switch the old one out today.
i'm not sure if i even have all of the right screwdrivers... argh.
who knew washington got warm enough to even have water parks??